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Eligibility Criteria

Our program serves both males and females from age 6 and up. Clients must be able to attend day school or enrolled in a GED or vocational training program. In addition, clients need to meet one or more of the following criteria:


  • At risk of being removed from home Homeless due to behavioral, mental or emotional disorders

  • Experienced physical or emotional abuse and neglect

  • Returning to the community from residential programs, group home, psychiatric hospitalizations, or correctional facilities

  • Learning or Emotional disabilities

  • Psychological and anxiety disorders

  • Display behaviors such as physical aggression, noncompliance with authorities, school difficulties, social skill difficulties and other significant behavior problems

  • Students who require year-round treatment in order to sustain behavioral or emotional gains

  • Or have behavioral/emotional problems so severe they cannot be handled in self-contained or special classrooms (ED) without this program during the school day

The following information is also needed to consider a client for placement:
  • A psychological evaluation completed within the last twelve (12) months

  • A current psychiatric evaluation, if available

  • Current school records including report cards and transcripts of earned credits for high school students

  • Copies of eligibility findings and a current IEP for students in need of special education services

  • A current medical history, including a physical examination within 30 days of admission

  • Active Social Worker with the Department of Social Services or a parole/probation officer through JJD or Court Services

  • Referral Statement

Ready to Reconnect?

Want to submit a referral?

Please download this referral form by clicking the icon to the right and email to with the subject line "Referral Form"
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